“If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”
We asked the community to tell us about the values and principles that guide their lives and businesses.
Ianne Celeste Rivera | Embodiment Composer
Pleasure is our birthright is a principle that has been a way of life since the start of the pandemic. On my journey to becoming an Embodiment Composer, I’ve grown to recognize the personal, communal, political, and healing importance of body-acceptance and pleasure liberation. As part of my belief system and teaching philosophy, reclaiming pleasure as our birthright represents the fierceness of our conscious agency. In a time in which we’re being asked to heal on a communal and global level, I see this time as an opportunity to partner with the wisdom of our body’s sensuality to heal our relationship with pleasure. Read more>>
Shira Gold | Fine Art Photographer
I have always led with my heart wide open. Sometimes that can be a painful, exciting and messy, but no matter what it makes the journey beautiful and adventurous. I can be exceptionally shy and am terrible with small talk, but I would like to think that being open with my life stories and sharing them freely through my work allows me to connect more easily with others and intern it may encourage them to share too. Read more>>
Ariane Paris | CEO
For me, integrity has always felt innately important and something I value not only in others but in myself. It is a conscious and deliberate act of kindness that cultivates authenticity, trust and caring within each relationship. Positive human connection is one of the most important things in life and I believe that by honoring each connection you make through the foundation of goodness you are actively helping to make the world a better place. Read more>>