We asked folks what they felt was the most important factor behind their success. For us, success is about accomplishing your mission. For some, that mission might be changing discriminatory practices within their industry and for others it might be building a sustainable, profitable business to support their family. Regardless of your mission, we want to equip you with wisdom and knowledge from the community in the hopes of increasing the likelihood that you are successful in your mission.

Becki Freed | CEO, Chief Storyteller, Brand Photographer & Visual Brand Strategist

I believe that the most important factor behind my success is self-discipline. Discipline to keep myself motivated, continue to learn, put in the time, and to not getting distracted! This is not always easy but the payoff is immense. I also believe that continuing to learn new marketing techniques and strategy has led to the success of my own brand. I utilize the same brand strategies that I share with my clients. Read more>>

Jarod Farver | Certified Canner/Pickle Maker

Believing in yourself and your product. Read more>>

Ryan Kynard | Photographer

I believe that there has been a lot of factors to my success overall, but I think the biggest factor has been the risk taking. Risk taking both financially and personally, financially because I have actually had to reach out to people (mainly social media influencers) to promote my brand. Most people do not do that for free and it costs quite a bit. Plus with the quarantine I do not have the same streams of income coming like I did before. Read more>>

Krista Schumacher | Artist

Creativity. This may appear to be an obvious assumption, given that I am a professional artist. Of course, creativity is important. How would I think of new paintings? How would my art be different? Unique? How would I stand out? The not-so-obvious thing: creativity cannot only be channeled into your work, it needs to be channeled into your brand. As an artist, I am also an entrepreneur. Like any small business owner, you have to be a rockstar. Read more>>

Sydni Fox | Hair stylist & Yoga Instructor

When I first became a hairstylist I was so young! I felt that I needed to put on this “professional hairstylist” persona. It wasn’t until I decided that I was going to be unapologetically myself that I started seeing success in my career. When I started practicing yoga daily I noticed that I didn’t feel the “need” to be someone else behind the chair. Now I’m not only grateful to teach yoga, but also that to cultivate the atmosphere in the salon that draws “my people”. My guests are all such wonderful humans! Read more>>