We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.
Janel Kaden | Creative Director
Gratitude. It breeds happiness, fosters resilience, offers grace, permeates joy, snuffs depression, fuels hope for a brighter tomorrow… the power of perspective is mind altering. Literally. Read more>>
Marissa Saucedo | Baker & Cookie Decorator
Something that really matters to me is the quality of my products. I always want to be known for having quality product, and putting time and care into each order I create. I feel like it’s easy for growing businesses to put quantity over quality when trying to grow and create more for less, and forgetting about quality in the work you’re putting out there. The amount of time and care you put in your work is noticeable, and something I’d love to always be appreciated for. Read more>>
Catherine O’Hare | Business owner
The values that seems to drive my work and personal life are care and wellbeing. A big part of why we started Daybreak Seaweed is care for the planet and care for people’s health. Seaweed is a food that can be grown sustainably on the West Coast and Alaska, and actually restores aquatic environments by absorbing carbon from the environment. Seaweed farming is a low-impact, low-resource way to provide super healthy food in a sustainable way. We’re driven by the climate-benefits of seaweed farming and think many of our society’s systems and industries can be made more sustainable and in-tune with nature. Read more>>