We had the good fortune of connecting with Laura Gisborne and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Laura, can you share a quote or affirmation with us?
“Salud, dinero y amor con tiempo para disfrutarlo.” Roughly translated means “health, wealth and love with the time to enjoy them”
I think this is what we are all seeking, but we often don’t think about it. I like the order of this -without health, all the money in the world is useless. I believe we all want to love and to be loved.
I meet too many entrepreneurs who are building their lives around their businesses instead of building their businesses around their lives.
I like this quote because it is a simple reminder of why I personally choose to do what I do. I have the freedom to take care of myself so I can enjoy this journey called life, my business provides me with financial freedom, and I love the people I get to spend time with every day – both personally and professionally.
What should our readers know about your business?
Limitless Women is my 9th company. I’ve had a beautiful journey as an entrepreneur founding businesses that range from restaurants, retail stores, real estate sales, development and investing, and a winery (to name a few).
While I was building these private sector businesses over the last 30 years, I was also deeply committed to volunteering and supporting non-profit organizations.
When I began to be invited to speak to audiences and was asked to share about my “secrets for success,” I spent several years praying and meditating on how to best use the experiences I had in both the private sector and the non-profit world.
What was birthed has grown into the Limitless Women Community. What’s different about Limitless Women as a brand is that we are a philanthropy first organization. We host business training fundraisers and our private sector clients all donate the first 20% of their consulting fees to charity as a part of our partnership agreement.
What I’m most proud of is that women who have a heart for giving, but have felt like they couldn’t afford to donate, are now growing businesses that are both profitable and purposeful.
Together we’ve raised over $500,000 for charities that support women and children and our donations continue to help heal poverty across 5 continents.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I don’t live in Orange County, so I’m not sure I can help you here. If my best friend wanted the best experience of her lifetime, I would take her to Africa. No one I know has gone there and not been transformed by the generosity of spirit that lives in people who have very little means.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Limitless Women is a community of women business owners committed to using our profits for purpose. I grew up in an environment of abuse and neglect. As a result, I didn’t feel like I mattered or deserved to be here. I want to shout out to the women who saw me when I was unable to see myself. Starting with my babysitter, Barbara Wiesinger, who always provided a safe place for me to go as a young girl. She was joined by many women who I worked with over the years who shared with me that life could be different – not scary or painful.
Website: www.limitlesswomen.com
Facebook: www.limitlesswomen.group
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lauragisborne1