We had the good fortune of connecting with Joel Daniel and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Joel, how do you think about risk?
Risk is essential for growth. Without growth, comfort, complacency, and atrophy set in. Once those takes root, your comfort zone becomes the place where your dreams and aspirations go to die. You need to train yourself to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
Risk also needs to be balanced with reward. If the reward isn’t worth the risk, then you are simply being foolhardy.
When I decided to pursue being a full-time professional bagpiper, I knew that the security of a “steady paycheck” was not going to be there. I had to mentally prepare myself for the financial rollercoaster ride of “feast or famine” that often comes with owning your own business. That was a risk I was prepared to take, and it has made all the difference.
If it scares you, then you know that you are on the right path!
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Although there are hundreds of people who play the bagpipes in Southern California, there is a much smaller population of us who do it for a living – and even fewer who like me, do it full-time without the aid of a “Day Job”.
As one would expect, well over 90% of the jobs I do are weddings and funerals. I thoroughly enjoy doing both of those kinds of jobs too as you are the “Standard of Professionalism” that sets the tone for the entire event. Aside from my musical abilities, I believe that I am also the only Professional Bagpiper in Southern California who wears the Full #1 Highland Dress to include the Feather Bonnet and the Piper’s Plaid. In fact, I have modeled my uniform to closely resemble the United States Marine Corps Dress Blue Uniform without breaking any USMC uniform regulations. I figure that if you are going to BE a Professional Bagpiper, you should also LOOK like a Professional Bagpiper! After all, when hiring a bagpiper, you don’t just hire a musician, you also hire the image!
Something I do as an added bonus – at least for funerals of veterans – is that I bring along a bugle such that Taps can be played on a real horn instead of that digitial bugle thing that the military Honor Guards typically have to rely upon. It is just an added level of dignity and respect I provide due for such an honorable occasion.
However, what really sets me apart from every other bagpiper I have encountered is the fact that I have taken the musical training I learned in my Marine Corps career and have adapted it to the pipes. By that, I mean that I have bashed the square peg into the round hole and arranged countless songs of varying genres for the pipes and have created a One-Man-Band Rock & Roll Bagpipe Show. Unlike most Celtic Rock bands you hear who take traditional celtic songs and put a rock beat to them, I do something completely different. I take popular songs that you may hear on the radio and transcribe them to the pipes! So far, my 4+ hours of repetoire include genres such as Classic Rock, Modern Pop, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, Punk, and even some Jazz. I cover artists such as AC/DC, Lady Gaga, Journey, ABBA, and even Fallout Boy. One of the greatest compliments I hear after one of my rock shows is someone saying, “I had no idea you could do that with the bagpipes!”
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
Wow. That’s a very tough question as I really don’t get out that much. As an entrepreneur, most of my week is spent either doing jobs, or preparing to do jobs – practicing, or following up with leads. I find my work to be both very mentally stimulating as well as highly enjoyable. Basically, I never work a day in my life! As such, I have created a lifestyle for myself where I don’t need an escape!
Sure there are a few places I enjoy going when I do decide to take some time off of work. In your scenario of a friend visiting for a week I would be sure to cover at least the following: Spend a day at the beach – specifically the white sands of Hermosa Beach. I’d also take them on a driving tour of LA – The Colloseum, the Hollywood Sign, Dodger Stadium, etc. I’d also take them out to the desert to see Joshua Tree and Palm Springs. Of course, the wineries of Temecula and a day exploring Sandy Eggo also ranks high on my favorite things to do! In fact, a great road trip would be to drive down to Julian, stop for a piece of pie, then contiue down to Borrego Springs to see the magnificent metal sculptures. Then head north along the Salton Sea and into Palm Springs.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My wife started this crazy journey of Professional Musician with me over 26 years ago. It started when I enlisted in the Marine Corps as a bandsman. She has put her life and professional dreams on hold for the duration of my military career. She has picked up and moved houses eight times, to three different states and a foreign country. Without her love and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today!
My other shout out would go to my daughter who is a chip off of the old block! When she became old enough to develop her own interests, she encouraged and motiviated me to try new things as well. It is very understood that the parent has a strong influence over their children, but that influence can also be a two-way street. My daughter has made me realize that I can do things that were never on my radar before!
Website: www.marinesandpiper.com
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