Meet Byron Harden | Owner and Director
We had the good fortune of connecting with Byron Harden and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Byron, what is the most important factor behind your success?
Being a problem solver and truly understanding the community in which I serve. As well, being a member of the very community I serve. In the spirit of clarity, being a blind man in todays time helps me to have a real understanding of the problems, barriers, and stigmas we face when encountering the world as we know it. Being that the unemployment rate is above 50% within the blind community that alone shows that there is fundamental issues to be addressed. Do to all the technological advancements we should be much further along as it pertains to inclusion for all. However, that said, it seems that the consideration in design is the problem. There is absolutely no reason why universal design has yet to be applied to all things life. The fact that I am actively aware and doing something about this issue is what makes me who I am in business.
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I train blind individuals in audio technology and production as it pertains to adaptive technology and techniques. Here at ISM we have a program we refer to as the Music an Engineering program for the blind (MPEP) of which we train all things audio technology from studio engineering, beat making, deejaying, podcasting, live engineering, voice acting, audio drama and a host of other areas in the audio industry. the training we offer can be obtained ether via video conferencing or in our face to face format. We offer certifications and certificates of completion per the adaptive tech training. This MPEP program is not meant to replace any educational institutions or degree based programs, but is design to work in tandem with said institutions. for enstence, if a blind person is looking to attend post secondary education training, then they would have the most difficult time being taught by someone who is not familiar with blindness per technology both hardware and software. If that student attends the MPEP before heading off to obtaining the degree they will come in to the desired curriculum independently navigating their software and hardware. Also we prepare blind individuals for the vocational goals they may seek to obtain. Here is where we work with employers to learn the job functions and requirements and train the blind person for the job.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
andy’s Jazz club downtown Chicago. It always seems to spark amazing conversation afterwards based on the food and on stage talent. A good jazz club always sparks moments of learning. I find it easy to have conversaion while a trio is playing. Being that it is usually low lighting it puts me and my sighted guest more on the leveled playing field, LOL. Do to my love for music, the details and finds that take place within the music always seems to make paying for the experience incridtible.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
My mother and my five boys. My Mother has truly made it possible for me to ride into success single handedly. A woman who has dedicated her whole life to making sure her one and only child who happens to be blind never stopped dreaming. There in those dreams which are messages from the Devine is my Mother cheer leading me to raise the vibration of the planet via my work. My boys have allowed me to remain connected to the mission in another way. In knowing one day I’ll be moving into another dimension it is my duty to provide solutions after I am gone via my boys. They have shown me how to love from another prospective that is impossible to gain without them.