Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.
Jaris Remigio | Professional Dancer & Portrait Photographer
Most of my life I had a very work oriented mindset. To be more specific, I previously thought that if I was not doing things on a daily basis that progressed or elevated my work or skills related to work, I was not going to be successful nor happy. But I had learned through trial and error that, that road led me down a path of self destruction and mental deterioration. Read more>>
Annie Lim | Film Photographer & Travel Blogger
Having a healthy work life balance is so important, and I wish I knew that years ago! Early in my career, I was the type to answer emails after hours, go into work on the weekends, and basically try my best to make everyone happy. And guess what? Everyone thought I did a great job, but I burned out so quickly! Read more>>
Ariell Ilunga | Founder & CEO, Carla’s Fresh Market
Ah, the all elusive work-life balance. My awareness of work-life balance is at an all-time high. I feel attuned to my body’s needs and, finally, have the space to honor them. My kids are now 8 and 5 – which means I am comfortably out of the ‘baby years” that brought sleepless nights, all-day diaper changing and pushing a stroller with one hand, coffee in the other in a near zombie-like state. Read more>>
Kat Stone | Social media influencer and mental health advocate
I think life is a lot about balance. Work, school, social life, etc. we all have some things to balance and it is a matter of making a list of your priorities. For example, I put my mental health above all other responsibilities because without it I can’t take care of other responsibilities, next school, socials life, work and so on. Read more>>
Angelica Sanchez | Barber and Cosmetologist
Oh boy, honestly, up until recently my life has been a bit work heavy. The balance has definitely shifted over time – in a good way! It is so important to also have a personal life, who knew! I don’t have any regrets though, but I did put in the work to be where I am today! It all paid off. Read more>>
Sky Smith | Experience Designer, Illustrator, Science Communicator
Over the years I’ve started to recognize the physical toll that burnout takes on the body, and have prioritized work life balance ever since. I’ve realized that to be a creative, I must rest and have space to just “be” without a to-do list. My best work is done after a break to get some fresh air and feel the sunshine. So I incorporate regular breaks, and set work cut-offs each night. This balance has done wonders for my productivity. Read more>>