We had the good fortune of connecting with Kat Papike and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Kat, what’s something about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?
When I was creating my business it came about from a desire to help others find ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I wanted a way to bring Integrative Healing to “mainstream” society while also helping clients find ways to limit their reliance on pharmaceutical drugs.

One thing that outsiders are probably unaware of is that Energy Healing has been around for centuries and anyone can learn to do it. It is a non-invasive way to help the body/mind heal and is offered in many hospitals around the world and even covered by some medical insurances.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
At A Balanced Self, my goal is to help others help themselves on their wellness journey. I have learned to “walk my walk,” and talk my talk by living a Balanced life myself. After leaving corporate America, I found out how important it is to have work life balance. At the office I offer a variety of services and workshops: Reiki, Biomagnet Energy therapy, Yoga, Sound Healing, Life Coaching, Oracle Readings, and Workshops. One of my I favorite workshops is Vision Boards. They allow us to create a visual goal setting tool that we can hang in a spot to remind us what we want to manifest. I do these often as our lives take different directions, not just on January 1.

In my healing practice, I encourage clients to use different tools that can help them when they aren’t at a session. Some of the techniques I suggest are self-Reiki, meditation, journalling, spending time in nature to name a few. My goal is to have them refer someone else to me rather than them needing to come back for a session because they are not feeling better. By working together, we can keep them on a healthy path.
By maintaining an open mind and not giving into naysayers is how I’ve gotten where I am in my business. Some people believe energy healing is “Woo-Woo” or a placebo. I have stood by my own experiences, research, and continued learning to expand my practice. I know that not everyone will understand what I do, and that’s okay. I know I am helping others on a daily basis and that makes my heart feel content!!!
It has not been easy because of my previous insecurities that people might not come to me or I might not be as good as another practitioner. I have moved past that and am thankful for the support and encouragement I have received along the way. COVID also put a bit of a wrench in my growth. But, I persevered and am continuing to expand and grow.
I overcame some of these challenges by continuing to work on self-care and by learning new techniques and technology, like ZOOM during the pandemic. Through that, I now have clients in other states and a couple of different countries.

Some of the lessons I’ve learned are that I can do anything I truly want on this path. I have a large support system and am ready to grow even more with a book I am in the process I writing about not judging others.
I’ve also learned, “what others think of me is none of my business!” We don’t all have to think about life the same way, so if someone doesn’t agree with my business acumen, then that’s fine. There are plenty of others who are looking for alternative healing modalities and tools. I have also learned you can’t make more time, you have to take the time. So, when setting goals, it’s important to see what really matters and make those the priorities.

I want the world to know the importance of living a Balanced life. For me this means not only work/life balance. But, it also means the physical body with the emotional and spiritual bodies. Also, we are in this together and it is amazing how simply we can help each other with a kind word, simple smile and shared energy. The quote I have on all of my emails is, “Be the change you want to see in the world!” by Gandhi. This resonates so much because I know how important it is to share with others from a kind heart and it has a domino effect!!

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I was recently told by a client who has become a friend that I should write a blog about some of the places I have suggested. So, I love this!
Being in San Diego, a trip to Coronado and the Beach there are a must. Brunch at Clayton’s during the week or Garage Bueno Forchetta on the weekend for brunch or dinner.

Since they will be here for a week, a trip to La Jolla Shores for a sunset walk under the Pier followed by dinner at Antica Romantica would be a must. Also, a trip to Torrey Pines for the beautiful hiking trail. A hike at Annie’s Canyon could be a side trip.

As we love being in nature, I would take them to the Self-Realization Fellowship Gardens in Encinitas as well as the San Diego Botanical Gardens. The SRF Gardens are a great place to sit with a journal and meditate. The ocean view is magical and I have even seen dolphins from there before. A delicious lunch at Ki’s with their ocean view is a must.

A trip to Balboa Park is also a must as there is so much history and beauty there. The rose and succulent gardens are beautiful there as well. Possibly have cocktails and appetizers at the Prado. The Japanese Friendship garden is also a must see.

A walk around historic Old Town is always fun as there are fun shops and delicious food choices. A stop at South American Imports for their beautiful crystals is a great detour.

I always love a trip to the mountains (maybe even on the same day as a beach day!!! this is a benefit for living her in San Diego!!) Julian is a special little mountain town with cute little shops, mountain air, and of course homemade Apple Pie!

If we still have time, I love to visit our local farmers markets and support local small businesses. We have markets almost every day of the week in different parts of the county.

In La Mesa, I would take them to Amethyst Moon and Home and Soul for unique gifts. For dinner we would go to a local favorite, Pietros for Italian.

And of course, I would have to invite them to a sound healing event at our wellness center!

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Reiki Wind and Sharp Hospitals. Reiki Wind guided me into my Integrative Wellness Journey by teaching me Reiki. From their, my toolbox grew. Sharp Hospitals because they have incorporated Integrative Healing into their offerings and It is a reminder that western and eastern medicine can work together to help patients feel better as they heal.

Website: https://www.2beabalancedself.com

Instagram: abalancedself

Linkedin: Kat papike

Facebook: a Balanced self

Yelp: a Balanced self

Youtube: a Balanced self

Image Credits
Marlene Young and Emily Godown

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSoCal is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.