We had the good fortune of connecting with Amanda Singer and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Amanda, how has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over time?
So I’m going to fully admit that I hate the term work life balance because no matter how hard anyone tries you’re never going to balance everything. I don’t care how much you try and think you can, it doesn’t happen. More recently I’ve heard the term work life integration and to me that makes so much more sense. My Husband and I welcomed our first child (a daughter, Madison) in October of 2023 and if I thought my life was full before, it is even more full now, although in the most wonderful way! Having a child definitely made me thinking differently about work life balance because it just did not physically seem possible to do everything: run my business, spend time with my child, manage my employees, work on my marriage, network, workout, connect with friends, support my clients, keep in touch with family, take care of household stuff and make sure the dog doesn’t feel neglected, in addition to a million things I’m not listing here. When I tried to think about balancing out the work and life part it seemed way too daunting and most of the times it feels like I’m dropping the ball on one if not both areas of my life. When I heard the term work life integration at a Lawyers Club of San Diego event at the beginning of the year, I thought yes that makes more sense. It’s never about balancing everything but more about how do you integrate the two together. So I try to think about things in that way instead. I bring my daughter on hikes and walks with other professionals so I can spend time with her, network and even get a workout in. Sometimes my husband and I will tack on a grocery store or Costco run to our date night while we already have childcare (and if you ask my Husband Costco is a great place for a date lol). And I’ve determined where the places are in my life where I don’t need to be the one doing it and find the right who (the book “Who not How” by Dan Sullivan is a great read!) to free up more time for what I want to focus on. I’ve learned to be gentle on myself and know that somedays it’s going to feel like my head isn’t above water but more like I’m breathing through a straw and that I just have to take things one day at a time.

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Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My business is West Coast Family Mediation and we offer Family Law mediation which includes divorce, premarital and postmarital mediation services. One of the main things that sets me apart from other family law mediators is that I am a licensed attorney, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) and have a Masters in dispute resolution. I started mediating when I was in law school, went straight into full time mediation practice right after I took the bar and started my own business only a couple of years later. Mediation has been and continues to be the focus of my business. We do not do any litigation.

One thing that makes me excited is that our goal at West Coast Family Mediation is to make mediation the main form of dispute resolution for Family Law cases. Mediation isn’t just an alternative form of dispute resolution; we feel strongly that it is the main form of dispute resolution when it comes to dealing with a divorce and other family law issues and we’re working to make mediation the first thing someone thinks of if they or their spouse ask for a divorce.

Business has definitely not always been easy, there have been challenges and triumphs all along the way, and there continues to be. Throughout the years I’ve overcome the challenges with a combination of steadfast determination and help. I’ve had amazing mentors and coaches throughout the years and wouldn’t be where I’m at today without them. One of the lessons I’ve learned is knowing when to ask for help. Being able to ask for help and hearing experience shares from those who have been in similar situations before is an invaluable way to figure out how to overcome your own challenges.

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If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
San Diego has so many great places and for me it’s the ability to be outside for the most part year round. I love to hike and whether it’s Torrey Pines (although my dog doesn’t like when we go there since we can’t bring him), Mission Trails, Tecolote Canyon or heading up to Julian for Vulcan Mountain I would definitely take them on a few hikes. Additionally, we love spending time in Ocean Beach. The dog beach is a favorite where we can walk and bring our dog Toby and my Husband plays volleyball down there and I’ll often join to hang out on the beach with our daughter and dog so would spend some time there walking around and get food. Holding Company and OB Surf Lodge are both favorites. Additionally some of our favorite restaurants are actually up in Carlsbad, Campfire and Juene Et Jolie are great places to take them as well as Callie down in the East Village for dinners. Con Pane in Liberty Station is a favorite for breakfast and bread. I would also be sure to visit Balboa Park to walk around and pop into some of the places there.

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Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to dedicate my shoutout to my Husband, Mike, who has always supported me throughout the years not matter what I was doing. When we first met 10 years ago I was working for someone else and he’s been there and encouraged me through starting my business with a partner and then again this year when my then business partner and I decided to split up, even with our new baby at home. He has always made me feel as though I can do anything and he’ll be there with me every step of the way. As a business owners as well (he’s a financial planner with FlightPath Financial Planning) we spend a lot of time talking about, planning and strategizing our businesses and I appreciate having him to talk with. He is also one of the best idea people I’ve met and has taught me to say yes to new ideas and figure out ways to make it work even if they might seem crazy to me at first. Additionally, seeing him as a Dad to our daughter makes my heart full and happy.

Website: https://www.westcoastfamilymediation.com

Instagram: @westcoast_mediators

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/singeramanda/

Twitter: @Divorce_CA

Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/west-coast-family-mediation-center-del-mar-3

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6V_SZbWzN21ZBZPviZJgzQ

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Image Credits
Marcy Browe

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