Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.

Tunca Pekcan | Musician / Drummer

The most important factor behind success is always loving the thing you’re doing. I’ve always expressed myself through music since I was a child , and right now I am just enjoying the moment both on stage and behind drums. If you enjoy every second in what you are doing , people get that vibe and support you. Read more>>

Mo Shakray | Artist/Recording & Mixing Engineer

I think the most important part of my success is my discernment. Knowing when to move and who to move with. There’s always going to be someone who wants to help, but is it the help I need? Does it make sense? Those are the kind of questions I consider before making a move. Read more>>

Cindy Rangel | CEO/Founder of Ella Pocketbook and Founder of Women of Colour in Travel

The single most important factor behind the success of Ella Pocketbook brand is sharing my story and love for travel. Story telling plays such a big part of human experiences and now more than ever it determines authenticity, sets you a part from others, and connects you to others. When you are passionate about your dreams and share your story and mission to others doors seem to open and you are fueled with motivation. Read more>>