Reflecting on the things that made a difference

We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.
Consistency. Without consistency, customers/guests do not know what to expect. Read more>>
To me it’s my clients 100% of the time. They are my driving force and the sole reason I have made it where I am today. I got into Massage work and skincare because I wanted to help people by bringing them a since if relief. Whether it be through relaxation, working on chronic pains or helping them find a healthy skin balance and self love/esteem back. So when Covid happened and we got shut down not only did my career got put on pause but my clients got hit hard and suffered with their own pain. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of my brand is my ability to be my full authentic self without batting an eye to what outsiders think. To fully live as myself and not try to conform to what I thought society wanted or needed from me to be successful is what set me apart from the rest of the pack. Everyone in their own sphere is busy trying to fit into this mold that the world has made for us which hinders the true light from being shown. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my success is my family. My great grandfather started a bakery in 1914 in Rochester, NY when he came over on a boat from Sicily. Today, four generations later, it is still my family- my parents, my brother and I making original recipes that my grandfather used to make, like the cannoli and gelato. We spend a lot of time together, so there are times when it’s all work, work ,work and times filled with laughter. It doesn’t get any better than that. Read more>>
I feel like its such a cliché to say this, but it’s consistency that will make or break your brand. Just like life, your brands success will have its ups and down, there will be times where you feel unstoppable and times when motivation is not enough to keep you going, this is where resilience comes into play. Often times people think of resilience as the ability to continue on, no matter what. When in reality resilience is defined as “the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness”. Read more>>