We had the good fortune of connecting with Sandra Nunez and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Sandra, how did you come up with the idea for your business?
Being a first-gen Latina, SA/DV survivor, former foster youth, and former teen mom navigating my educational journey was filled with so many emotions, thoughts, and fears. I felt so out of place because I simply believed “I didn’t belong,” “I wasn’t smart enough for this,” I didn’t have what it takes.” I still hadn’t processed or grieved my life experiences, and there I was, embarking on a whole new journey I have zero knowledge on. It was a lonely first few weeks as a new student. Eventually, I knew I needed help because I wanted to perform to the best of my ability, I wanted to enjoy my educational journey, and I didn’t want to quit classes because the topic was triggering. I made the decision to begin therapy. In therapy, I realized that I didn’t have a support system outside of therapy; I didn’t have that one person I could phone and ask for advice, and I didn’t have someone that would relate to my new life as a student. I knew at this point that I definitely was not the only one feeling this way…overwhelmed and discouraged. So I decided to take my self-hyping sessions to social media. I needed empowerment, education, and inspiration in my life, so why not be the person that gives that to others? Why not share my educational journey while also showing transparency and vulnerability? There is strength in vulnerability, and that is something I embrace about myself. I do not hold any shame for experiencing hard times; in fact, with this, I have built a community of like-minded women pursuing higher ed. I wanted to break the barriers we as Latinas experience in academia. There’s good, bad, and ugly in everything, and I wanted to be transparent about that in terms of education. I’m still learning and growing, and as I learn, I share with my fellow Chingonas in hopes that it reaches the right person. I’m creating a Chingonahood, safe space and community of support that we have needed for so long.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
What sets me apart from others is my story and vulnerability. We all have a story to tell, and each is unique. There’s not one story out there that is identical, and that is what is beautiful about it. I am most proud of my growth and the way I utilize my voice. See, there are multiple parts to my story, so my platform touches on all aspects of me. I’m most excited about the connection I have made thus far and the ones to come. It’s empowering to meet others who are ready to share their stories and don’t know where to start, those ones who reach out to say thank you, and those who see advice and guidance. I’m honored to be sharing this space with so many empowering individuals. This journey has been far from easy. I have learned how to navigate the social media world, including reels, lives, websites, and find resources for others, all while being a full-time mom, student, and nurse. I have faced many days where I feel defeated, and my mental health is not at its best. I make sure to bring awareness to the normalcy of that, and I let my supporters know how I’m feeling to highlight how crucial it is to talk about mental health. I make sure to reach out for support when I am feeling that way. When I am feeling “off” or need help, I have learned how to ask for it. What I learned along my journey is that I do belong, I have a purpose, and my story and voice matter. I learned that growth and healing take time; it’s uncomfortable but worth it. I learned that I inspire many by simply being me. I want the world to know that Latinas belong in academia, always have, and always will. I want them to know that we deserve to be included in spaces that cater to communities that look like us and have faced hardships like ours. Representation matters, and we need more of it, so please open your doors to us and our powerful yet passionate minds.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Well, I have to say that being near the ocean is my happy place. Luckily San Diego has plenty of that to offer. Seaport Village is one of the places that brings me joy. There’s so much to do and see. I love that they have numerous food items, from tasty seafood to delicious sweets. I enjoy eating at Edgewater grill , their view is phenomenal. Another one of my favorite places to eat at in San Diego is Cannonball in Belmont park. Their food items and drinks are not only delicious but beautiful as well. I could hang out there for hours staring at the ocean. Then I would walk along the beach after a delicious meal and go back to enjoy what Belmont park has to offer. Another one of my favorite places to visit is Oceanside, take a walk on their pier and try out the many new restaurants in that area that happen to have amazing ocean views. they have many rooftop bars that wont disappoint. Lastly going back to my homewotn of Escondio is always a pleasure. I love visiting good ol Grand ave. So many pubs, restaurants, and coffee shops that are sure to bring you back. My favorite brunch spot in Escondido is Swamis. Can’t forget to mention Crusin Grand night that take place there as well on Fridays. It runs from May 6, from 4 – 9 p.m. and run every Friday night until September 30th. Crusin Grand offers live music, Djs, hot rods and of course food!

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are many people I owe my growth to. My foster parents, social workers, and those I have met along my educational journey. These people have always believed in me. They believed in me during my years of feeling lost and without any purpose in life. They always pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things, challenge myself, and, most notably, believe in the power of my voice and story. My village at Mount San Antonio College, Ana Silvia Turcios, Dr. Julieta Marquez, Dr. Andy Sims, Natalie Paredes, EOPS/CARE program, REACH, and Associated Students were all significant influences on who I have become today. Their programs, services, and staff are beyond supportive and are all about watching us succeed. They do not only “watch” you, they help you attain the proper tools that will help you achieve your goals. They offer numerous ways to become involved on campus, whether it be volunteering for the food pantry, cash for college events, or joining a club/organization on campus. I guarantee you that if you immerse yourself in what they have to offer, you will flourish like you never thought you would. Community colleges need to be talked about more; they have so much to offer and strive to bring us resources that can support us as students. There is nothing “wrong” with community colleges, and it’s time we put an end to that idea.

Website: coming soon

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/educatedchingona/

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/sandra-nunez-32534875

Other: https://www.instagram.com/chingonaology/ https://linktr.ee/educatedchingona

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutSocal is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.