Deciding to pursue an artistic or creative career path isn’t for the faint of heart.  Challenges will abound, but so many of the artists we speak with couldn’t be happier with their choice.  So, we asked them about how they made the decision in the first place.

Carmen María | Music Maker

I believe nothing is promised, and have been very aware that one day, don’t know when, I am going to die. I believe as human beings we make decisions based on two emotions, love and fear. Life for me is the biggest adventure, I ended up being here on planet earth living, and to me that’s a crazy gift, I get to make this my game and in the process, have cried, loved, felt really deep emotions, have tried amazing food, have been in a coffee shop mid December listening to Chet Baker ( how romantic can we get haha), and have decided to get out of the box, and point my skirt to where my intuition and my heart tells me ( In Spanish we say “A donde apunte la chancla”). Frustration for me comes when I loose sight of all this, and start adding rules to my life board game that aren’t really mine. Read more>>

Carlos Castrejon | Fine Artist

Art is connected to many different ways to make a living, the freedom that I feel by being who I am as an artist is something that I can not find in other professions. The connection also includes to follow my instincts, spontaneity, and the crucial independence of mind. I often think that the artistic career pursued me. In many occasions I look for a reasonable way to explained me as an artist. Read more>>

Rich Soublet | Headshot and Portrait Photographer

It seemed the most logical. I know that sounds nuts but it’s really true for me. I tried the office life, twice, and it’s just not a good fit. I tried working in the office for other people’s creative businesses and I just don’t do well in that sort of environment. I thrive in a more open environment where I’m free to make unconventional decisions. Weirdly, it’s *much* easier for me to hold myself accountable for deadlines than it is to have someone else watching over my shoulder. Working in a creative field as your own boss…I’m not sure there’s a freer environment than that. Also pursuing a creative career gives me that warm sense of putting something good into the world. I also get the double bonus of helping people to see themselves the way others see them and they end up feeling great about themselves after we work together. Read more>>